Seasonal campsite open from early April to beginning - October (you find more informations on our pricelist)

Reception open from  08.30 am till  01.00 pm
  03.00 pm till 07.00 pm

Please note that we close the reception in the low Saison B at 07.00 pm. After that we do not accept any arrivals! Further informations you will find in your reservation confirmation!

Later arrivals only for guests with a definitive booking via the reservation formulare and a confirmation after prior arrangement by phone!

With a chipcard for the gate you can enter the area in the following times:

Gate times open from  06.30 am till  01.00 pm
  03.00 pm till 10.30 pm

Office time schedule during Caravan Salon

Reception open from 08.00 am till  08.00 pm throughout

Gate times open from  06.30 am till  10:30 pm throughout